Dr. Sathish K
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. (Mathematics), M.Ed., M.Phil. (Education), Ph.D. (Education), UGC-NET JRF (Education)

Name : Dr. SATHISH K
Date of Joining : 1st April 2024
Designation : Assistant Professor
Academic Qualification : M.Sc. (Mathematics), M.Ed., M.Phil. (Education), Ph.D. (Education), UGC-NET JRF (Education)
Subject : Education
Specialisation : Mathematics Education, Educational Psychology
Years of experience : 9 Years
Ongoing Research/Project : NIL
Course engagements :
- Pedagogy of Mathematics,
- Knowledge and Curriculum,
- Understanding Discipline,
- Childhood and Growing Up,
- Quantitative Research Methodology,
- Measurement and Evaluation.
Others (As faculty In-charge of clubs/cells):
- Research and Development Cell
- Internship Committee
Publication : 10
Journals – 6
- Academic Achievement in relation to Metacognition and Learning Approach of Underachievers in Higher Secondary Schools. Aegaeum Journal, 10(2), 42-49, ISSN 0776-3808, (2022).
- Metacognition and Scholastic Performance of Higher Secondary School Students: A Correlational Analysis. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 9(1), 149-154, ISSN 2393-8021, (2022).
- Scholastic Performance in relation to Metacognition of Higher Secondary School Students. Journal of Education, Rabindra Bharati University, 23(6), 184-189, ISSN 0972-7175, (2021).
- Academic Stress in relation with Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 8(9), 304-308, ISSN 2393-8021, (2021).
- Learning Approach and Academic Achievement of Underachievers in Higher Secondary Schools. Parishodh, 9(3), 9780-9792, ISSN 2347-6648, (2020).
- Academic Stress and Academic Achievement of Underachievers in Higher Secondary School. Parishodh, 9(2), 2485-2497, ISSN 2347-6648, (2020).
Chapters in Edited Book – 4
- Learning Styles and Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students. Teacher Education: Innovative Instructional Strategies, Aksharaa Muthra Aalayam, Chennai, pp 249-263, ISBN 978-93-88680-11-0, March 2019.
- Factors Causing Underachievement: A Review. Capacity Building through Research Orientation in Social Sciences, School of Education, Pondicherry University, pp 78-81, ISBN 978-81-9383071-0, September 2018.
- ICT: A Tool to Enhance Democratization and Quality in Education. The Role of ICT for Effective Teaching and Learning, JPS Scientific Publications, pp 286-290, ISBN 978-81-935636-3-2, April 2018.
- Challenges in using Social Media as an Educational Tool. Social Media Networks and Society, Weser Books, No. 79737, Aussere Weberstr, 57 02763, Zittau, Germany, pp 478-482, ISBN 978-3-96492-232-8, February 2021.
Paper Presentation : 7
- Academic Stress in relation with Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students. A paper presented in International Conference on Advancements in Engineering, Management, Science and Technology, organized by CSI College of Engineering, Ketti, Tamil Nadu, during 10th and 11th September 2021.
- Metacognition and Scholastic Performance of Higher Secondary School Students. A paper presented in International Conference on Environment, Economy, Management, Science and Technology, organized by SIES (Nerul) College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, during 24th and 25th August 2021.
- Challenges in using Social Media as an Educational Tool. A paper presented in ICSSR-IMPRESS Sponsored two days National Seminar on Social Media Networks and Society, organized by Department of Educational Technology, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu during 03rd and 04th February 2021.
- Academic Stress and Metacognition of Higher Secondary School Students. A paper presented in International Peace Conference 2021 on We Matter When Earth Matters, organized by World Natural Democracy in Collaboration with Malviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh & Department of Gandhi and Peace Studies, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Wardha, Maharashtra on 24th January 2021.
- Learning Styles and Academic Achievement of Higher Secondary School Students. A paper presented in ICSSR-IMPRESS Sponsored two days National Conference on Teacher Education in India: Issues and Challenges in Quality Accreditation, organized by Department of Education, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu during 21st and 22nd March 2019.
- ICT: A Tool to Enhance Democratization and Quality in Education. A paper presented in National Seminar on The Role of ICT for Effective Teaching and Learning, organized by Duraimurugan College of Education, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu on 28th April 2018.
- E-Learning. A paper presented in State Level Workshop on ICT in Education, organized by Sri Renugambal College of Education, Polur, Thiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu on 09th January 2011.
FDPs attended :
- Participated in Five days Faculty Development Programme on Design, Develop and Deliver Online/Blended Learning courses, organized by Department of Teacher Education, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, Meriema – 797004, sponsored by National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, held from 7th – 11th November 2023.
- Participated in Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme on Curriculum Development for Higher Education Teachers, organized by Department of Teacher Education, Nagaland University, Kohima campus, Meriema – 797004, sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, held from 26th October 2023 to 06th November 2023.
- Participated in National Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Advanced Research Methodology & Publishing (with SPSS)”, organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching-Learning Centre of Ministry of Education (PMMMNMTT), SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, and Assumption College (Autonomous), Changanacherry, Kerala, from 01st – 30th November 2022.
- Participated in National Faculty Development Programme on “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Government College for Girls, Ludhiana, from 15th – 20th March, 2021.
- Participated in Six-day National Faculty Development Programme on ‘Contemporary Literary Theory: A Voyage into Untrodden Realms’, organized by the Department of Languages, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR Campus from 1st March to 6th March 2021.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Programme / Workshop on “Changing Trends of Ph.D. Research in Global Arena”, organised by Dhanraj Baid Jain College (Autonomous), Thoraipakkam, Chennai – 600097, held on 11th August 2018.
Membership : NIL
Additional information – Fellowships:
- Awarded with UGC Non-NET Fellowship during M.Phil.
- Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) & Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) during Ph.D.
Extension services : NIL
Awards / Achievements :
- Teacher Eligibility Test (TET):
- Qualified in Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test (TNTET) in August 2013.
- Qualified in Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) in September 2016 and December 2019.