Mrs. Keneivi U Rhatsu
Assistant Professor
M.A(Education), M.A (Sociology), M.Ed, B.Ed, NET-Education.

Name: Keneivi-u Rhatsu
Date of Joining: 15/04/2017( as per office record)
Designation: Asst. Professor
Academic Qualification: M.A(Education), M.A (Sociology), M.Ed, B.Ed, NET-Education.
Subject: Education
- Inclusive Education,
- Guidance & Counselling,
- Educational Research Methodology & Statistics,
- Teacher Education,
- Educational Technology,
- Educational Psychology,
- Method of Teaching English & Social Sciences.
Years of experience: 7 Years+
Course engagements :
- Contemporary India and Education,
- Learning and Teaching,
- Creating an Inclusive School,
- EPC-1(Understanding Self),
- Knowledge and Curriculum.
- Teacher Representative,
- Academic Committee,
- Alumni Committee.
Publication: 06
Paper Presentation: 09
FDPs attended: 07
Membership: Member at CEAM (Council for Educational Administration & Management).
Additional information :
- Moderator at Two Days ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Teacher Education for Sustainable Development: A Road Map for 21st Century organized by Unity College of Teacher Education, Dimapur, on 23rd-24th March 2023.
Sl.No | Title of the Published | Name of the | ISSN No/ | Year of |
1 | Reflection on Vocational | National Education | ISBN: 978- | May, 2022 |
2 | Higher Education and | Implementation Strategies of NEP- Higher Education | ISBN: 978- | 2023 |
3 | Teacher Educators as | Professionalisation | ISBN: 978- | August, 2022 |
4 | Professional Commitment | Shodhak- A Journal Vol.53, Issue-2, No- | ISSN: 0302- | May-Aug, |
5 | Expectations of University | Problems of Vol. 8, No-4, pg- | ISSN: 1822- | August, 2023 |
6 | Strengthening Life Skills through Teacher Education: A Step towards Sustainable Development. | Strengthening Life Skills through Teacher Education: A Step towards Sustainable Development. | ISBN:978-81-975384-1-4. | 2024 |
7 | Expectations of University Lecturers and Students on Smart Learning Environments. | Problems of Education in the 21st Century. Vol. 8, No-4, pg-501-516. | ISSN: 1822-7864 | 2023 |
8 | Teaching Effectiveness among Teacher Educators in Nagaland | Madhya Bharti- Humanities and Social Sciences. UGC Care Group-1 Journal, Vol.84. No 21, pg-152-157. | ISSN: 0974-0066. | 2023 |
9 | Professional Commitment of Higher Education Teachers in Nagaland | Shodhak- A Journal of Historical Research. UGC Care Group I, Vol.53, Issue-2, No-14, pg-162-166. | ISSN: 0302-9832. | 2023 |
10 | Higher Education and Multidisciplinary Education: Vision, Concerns and Prospects. | Implementation Strategies of NEP-2020 for Indian Higher Education. | 978-93-92108-87-7. | 2023 |
11 | Teacher Educators as mediators in achieving Holistic Education. | Professionalisation of Teacher Education. Recent Trends & Future Perspectives. | ISBN: 978-93-94899-85-8. | 2022 |
12 | Reflection on Vocational Education at School Level with reference to NEP, 2020. | National Education Policy 2020: Problems and Prospects | ISBN: 978-81-19079-45-2 | 2022 |
Sl.No | Seminars / Conferences | Title of the | Name of the | Date(s)& |
1 | Two-Day National | Role of Teacher- Promoting | Unity College of | 23rd & 24th |
2 | Two-Day ICSSR | Reflection on | PQH School of | 13th |
3 | Two-Day ICSSR | Higher | Department of Teacher | 19th |
4 | Two-Day ICSSR | Teacher- mediators in | Salt Christian College | 4th -5th August, 2022 |
5 | 12th InSPA International | Professional | Indian School | 2nd - 4th October, 2022 |
6 | Two Days ICSSR | Strengthening | Unity College of | 23rd & 24th |
7 | 8th International | Teaching | Gandhi Memorial | 25h March |
8 | One Day International | Professional | ICERT, Debre Tabor | 3rd June, |
9 | Three Days | Sense of | ICERT, Government | 29th September- 2023 |
Sl. No | Faculty Development | Name of the | Date(s) & Year |
1 | Five-Day MGNCRE | Department of | 26th to 30th |
2 | Seven-Day Faculty | Department of | 8th -14th July, 2020 |
3 | One-Day Faculty | IQAC, Eastern | 31st July, 2020 |
4 | National Level Faculty | CSI Bishop | 4th - 5th August, |
5 | ICSSR sponsored Faculty | School of | 7th -12th |
6 | One Week Faculty | BSSS Institute of | 5th -11th July, 2022 |
7 | One Week International | Internal Quality | 25th May to |
S. No. | International / National / Regional Seminars/Conferences/Workshops/ Symposiums/ Training | Title of the Paper/Article | Name of the | Date(s) and |
1 | Five-Day MGNCRE sponsored Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Nai Talim, Work Education, Experiential Learning and Community Engagement | Department of Teacher Education, | 26th to 30th November, 2018 | |
2 | Two-Day National Seminar on Issues and Challenges in | Role of Teacher-Educators in Promoting Inclusive Education | Unity College of Teacher Education, Dimapur Nagaland | 23rd & 24th August, 2019 |
3 | Two-Day National Seminar on Child Rights and Protection: Acts, | Department of Education, | 24th & 25th October, 2019 | |
4 | Two-Day State Level Workshop on Constructivism for Teacher | State College of Teacher | 18th & 19th November, 2019 | |
5 | Two-Day NAAC sponsored National Seminar on Teaching, | IQAC, Unity College, Dimapur | 21st & 22nd November, 2019 | |
6 | Seven-Day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Learning | Department of Teacher Education, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus | 8th -14th July, | |
7 | National Webinar on Classroom Management Tools | SCMS School of Technology and Management, Muttom, | 23rd July, 2020 | |
8 | One- Day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) | IQAC, Eastern Christian | 31st July, 2020 | |
9 | Regional Level Webinar on a Talk on Communicating: A | IQAC, Unity College, Dimapur | 4th August, 2020 | |
10 | National Level Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on How to | CSI Bishop Newbigin College of | 4th -5th August, | |
11 | 4th Dr. B.R Ambedkar Memorial Lecture on The Life of the | Dr. Ambedkar Chair, Tezpur | 7 | |
12 | Webinar on Understanding the National Education Policy | Department of Education, Sikkim University, Gangtok | 8 | |
13 | National Webinar on National Education Policy, Autonomy Status: | IQAC & Dept. of Political Science, | 8 | |
14 | One-Day International Webinar on Interdisciplinary Research from | Department of Sociology, Modern | 10th August, | |
15 | National Webinar on Breaking the Camouflaged World of | Department of English, Eastern Christian College, Dimapur Nagaland | 12th August, | |
16 | One- Day National e-Symposium on New Education Policy | IQAC, Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University, Nalbari Assam | 13th August, | |
17 | National Webinar on Literary Studies and Changing Paradigm of | IQAC, Newman College, | 13th August, | |
18 | One-Day National Webinar on Time of Lockdown: an Encounter | Department of Education, St. Joseph University, Dimapur Nagaland | 17th August, | |
19 | Webinar on Scientific Writing and Publishing | National College, Tiruchipali, Tamil Nadu | 18th August, | |
20 | National Level Webinar on Education for Scientific Temper | St. Charles College of Education | 20th August, | |
21 | National Webinar on National Education Policy 2020: A Higher | Department of Education & IQAC | 20th August, | |
22 | Two- Day National Webinar on National Education Policy | Rajiv Gandhi University, | 20th & 21st | |
23 | Panel Discussion on National Education Policy 2020 and North | Department of Education, Tezpur | 26th August, | |
24 | One-Day National Level Webshop on Confidence and Technology | Mangalore University Commerce | 26th August, | |
25 | National Webinar on National Education Policy 2020 | Department of Education, Mizoram University, Aizawl | 26th August, | |
26 | ICSSR sponsored Faculty Development Programme (FDP) | School of Education, University | 7th -12th | |
27 | One-Day National Webinar on National Education Policy- Strategic | Department of Education & | 7 | |
28 | National Webinar on Role of Teachers in NEP 2020- Awareness, | Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal, NITI | 5th March, 2021 | |
29 | One Week National Workshop on Research Methodology | Department of Teacher Education, | 22nd to 26th | |
30 | Online Training Programme on Process Orientation | National Institute of Disaster | 26th to 28th July, | |
31 | National Webinar on Role of National Social Science | Modern Institute of Teacher | 12th August, | |
32 | One-Day National Conference on Fostering Interdisciplinary | Modern Institute of Teacher | 22nd November, | |
33 | One-Day Workshop on Basics of Research Paper Writing | Research Committee Unity College | 19th March, | |
34 | One-Day Webinar on NEP 2020: Quality Paradigm in Teacher | Mokokchung College of Teacher | 2nd April, 2022 | |
35 | Two-Day ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Social | Department of Teacher Education, | 21st to 22nd | |
36 | National Webinar on Integrated Teacher Education Programme: Challenges and Possibilities | Department of Education, Mizoram University, Aizawl | 2 nd May, 2022 | |
37 | Two-Day ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on National | Reflection on Vocational | PQH School of Education, | 13th -14th May, |
38 | One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Life Skills | BSSS Institute of Advanced | 5th -11th July, | |
39 | Two-Day ICSSR sponsored National Webinar on NEP-2020 | Higher Education and | Department of Teacher Education, | 19th -20th July, |
40 | Two-Day ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Recent | Teacher- Educators as mediators in | Salt Christian College of Teacher | 4th -5th August, |
41 | National Webinar on Implementation of NEP, 2020: Issues and | Department of Teacher Education, | 16th February, | |
42 | 12th InSPA International Conference on Meeting the Challenges in | Professional Commitment of | Indian School Psychology | 2nd - 4th October, |
43 | Two Days ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Teacher | Strengthening Life Skills through | Unity College of Teacher | 23rd & 24th |
44 | 8th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Emerging Trends | Teaching Effectiveness among | Gandhi Memorial National | 25th March 2023 |
45 | National Webinar on Implementation of NEP, 2020: Issues and | Department of Teacher Education, | 20th May, 2023 | |
46 | One Week International Virtual Faculty Development Programme | Internal Quality Assurance Cell | 25th May to 31st | |
47 | One Day International Multidisciplinary Conference on | Professional Commitment of | ICERT, Debre Tabor University | 3rd June, 2023 |
48 | National Webinar on Implementation of NEP, 2020: Issues and | Department of Teacher Education, | 5th June, 2023 | |
49 | Three Days International Multidisciplinary Conference on Recent | Sense of Responsibility among | ICERT, Government College, Port | 29th September- st October, |