Mrs. Khrolou Letou
Asst. Professor
M.A (History), B.Ed., M.Ed. NET

Name : Mrs. Khrolou Letou
Date of Joining : N/A
Designation : Assistant Professor.
Academic Qualification : M.A (History), B.Ed., M.Ed. NET
Journal Name: Shodhak- A Journal of Historical Research UGC Care Group, Vol.53, Issue-2, No-14, pg 167-170
Title of the Paper: Need of Psychological Counseling among Secondary Students
Volume No: 53
Issue No: 02, No: 14
Year of Publication: May-Aug, 2023
ISSN NO: ISSN: 0302-9832
Page Numbers: 167-170
Impact Factor: 7.75
Publisher Address: SHODHAK, B-424, Mahviya Nagar, Jaipur – 302017
URL Link: There is no website for this journal
- Name of the Conference/Seminar: Two Days ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Teacher Education for Sustainable Development: A Road Map for 21st Century
Title of the Paper: Inclusive Education as a Mechanism for Sustainable Development.
Organized by: Unity College of Teacher Education, Dimapur, Nagaland
Date(s): 23rd & 24th March, 2023
- Name of the Conference/Seminar: One Day International Multidisciplinary Conference on Contemporary Trends and Developments in Management, Education, Science and Social Sciences
Title of the Paper: Need of Psychological Counselling among Secondary Students
Organized by: ICERT, Debre Tabor University Ethiopia, NIILM University Kaithal India and PG DAV College (Evening) University of Delhi
Date(s): 3rd June 2023
Name of the FDP / Workshop / Webinar / Conference / Seminar:
- One Day State Level Workshop on “Introduction on Research Methodology“on 30th March 2019 at Pfutsero Government College, Pfutsero.
- Two Days National Seminar on “Challenges of Teacher Education” organised by Unity College of Teacher Education, Dimapur on 23rd and 24th Aug 2019.
- Two Days National Conference on “Covid- 19 Pandemic: Voice of Youth an Urgent need of Psycho Social Support” organised by M.B Government College, Haldwari, Nainital, Uttarakhand on 21st – 22nd June 2020.
- 2 Day National Webinar on “Innovation Technology and Quality in Distance Education” organised by Uttarakhand Open University on 4th – 5th July 2020.
- One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Learning Management System and Open Educational Resources” from 08th July to 14th July 2020 organised by Department of Teacher Education, Nagaland University.
- One Day International Webinar on “Interdisciplinary Research fom Sociological Perspective: Prospect and Trends” organised by Department of Sociology, Modern College, Kohima on 10th August 2020.
- National Webinar on “NEP 2020 with special reference to Teacher Education” organized by Faculty of Education, Raja Balwant Singh College, Agra (U.P) on 29th and 30th August 2020.
- Two Day National Conference on “National Education Policy 2020: Strategies, Issues and Challenges” organised by Modern Institute of Teacher Education, Kohima on 16th and 17th October 2020.
- Two Day ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on “Integrating Teacher Education Colleges for Access, Equity and Justice” organised by Modern Institute of Teacher Education, Kohima on 29th -30th November 2020.
- National Webinar on Covid-19 & Climate: Challenges and Responses organised by Nagaland State Climate Change Cell (NSCCC), Nagaland Science and Technology Council (NASTEC), Department of Science &Technology, Government of Nagaland held on 3rd Dec 2020.
- National Webinar on Reflection on National Education Policy 2020- Quality Issues in Teacher Education on 29th December 2020
- National Webinar on Role of National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC), ICSSR with special reference to Library and Information Support Services to Researchers in Social Sciences organized by Modern Institute of Teacher Education, Kohima Nagaland on 12th August 2021
- Pan- India Training Workshop for including Children with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Regular Schools held on 22nd -24th February 2022
- One Day Workshop on Basics Of Research Paper writing organized by Research Committee Unity College and Dimapur Government College on 19th March 2022
- One Week Faculty Development Programme on Life Skills for Psychosocial Competence organized by: BSSS Institute of Advanced Studies, Bhopal on 5th – 11th July 2022
- One Day Professional Development Workshop on Interpersonal Skills and Ethics in the Workplace: Importance and Ways to Improve organised by Unity College, Dimapur on 25th November 2022
- National Webinar on Implementation of NEP 2020: Issues and Challenges of Teacher Education in Nagaland organized by Department of Teacher Education, Nagaland University held on 16th February 2023
- Two Days ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Teacher Education for Sustainable Development: A Road Map for 21st Century organised by Unity College of Teacher Education, Dimapur, Nagaland 23rd & 24th March, 2023
- National Webinar on Implementation of NEP 2020: Issues and Challenges of Higher Education in Nagaland organized by Department of Teacher Education, Nagaland University held on 20th May 2023
- One Week International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Impact of AI in Higher Education and Research: Future World. Organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Mendipathar College, Mendipathar, Meghalaya, India in Collaboration with Cape Comorin Trust, India from 25th-31st May 2023.
- One Day International Multidisciplinary Conference on Contemporary Trends and Developments in Management, Education, Science and Social Sciences organized by ICERT, Debre Tabor University Ethiopia, NIILM University Kaithal India and PG DAV College on 3rd June 2023.